is one of the most widely used IP Addresses reserved for private connections. It belongs to Class C of the private IP addresses and it is used by some routers/modem companies such as TP-Link, D-Link as the default IP Address of their devices. It is mostly used to access the Admin Panel of the routers and make changes to the settings of the routers such as Wireless Settings, LAN Settings, Proxy Settings, Security Settings, etc.

How to log into
Firstly, one needs to be certain that the default IP Address of one’s router/modem is indeed If true, one can log in through any web browser and make potential changes to settings in their router. After this quick guide, one can log in to the Admin Panel through First things first, ensure that you are connected to the network, either wirelessly or physically via an Ethernet Cable.

Open any web browser.
In the address bar, type or
A login page with the branding of the router will load. Now, enter the default login username and password. You can search on the internet for the default username and password; also look on the box of the router.
Once you enter the correct login credentials, you will be logged in.
The router’s default homepage will load. There, you will find many settings that you can configure for the router. Troubleshooting
If you are not able to access the Admin Panel via then:

Now, consider that the default gateway address is for your router. Because of this, sometimes the gateway address is not and your web browser isn’t able to open
It might be that your router wants a direct connection to the router. If you are connected wirelessly, then connect to the router with an Ethernet Cable. Please make sure that you enter the correct login credentials, without which you won’t be able to access the Admin Panel.